How to open the S3 interface of RADOS

The S3 interface is already configured and active.

In order to use it do as follows:

openstack --os-interface public ec2 credentials create

and take note of the access and secret keys.

When configuring the environment, the following informations are also needed:

At this page:

there are some simple PHP scripts to verify basic functionality, also Ruby examples are available.

PHP scripts


define('AWS_KEY', '<this_is_the_Access_string>');
define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', '<this_is_the_Secret_string>');
define('HOST', '');
define('PORT', '80');

// require the AWS SDK for php library
require '/home/galeazzi/phpScript/aws-autoloader.php';

use Aws\S3\S3Client;

// Establish connection with host using S3 Client
$client = S3Client::factory(array(
   'base_url' => HOST,
   'port' => PORT,
   'key'      => AWS_KEY,
   'secret'   => AWS_SECRET_KEY



include 'conn.php';

$blist = $client->listBuckets();
echo "   Buckets belonging to " . $blist['Owner']['ID'] . ":\n";
foreach ($blist['Buckets'] as $b) {
   echo "{$b['Name']}\t{$b['CreationDate']}\n";



$ php -f list_owned_buckets.php

    Buckets belonging to 27da191b736c4e33b170a72c8732482a:
test    2017-03-23T16:52:22.692Z
test3   2020-06-18T10:20:27.841Z
testContCsdPrj2 2020-07-23T08:37:04.015Z
testrclone      2020-06-19T09:09:24.507Z